Double patient capacity in the ER – meaning nine new private patient rooms, including a specialized room for behavioral health and a dedicated GYN/GI room.

In order to keep up with current technology and the medical needs of their community, however, Arroyo Grande Community Hospital has plans to expand their space and offerings. Its ER beats the national average wait time to see a doctor its Acute Rehabilitation Center is the only one of its kind between Salinas and Santa Barbara and its cancer program was the first accredited cancer program in San Luis Obispo County. Arroyo Grande Community Hospital provides award-wining care to South San Luis Obispo County. It may be a prequel, but it packs a beautiful punch as a postscript.The community of Arroyo Grande is growing, and their hospital is expanding right alongside them. Read it after you have read Sovereign and The Offering. In Transgression we get to see it all come tumbling down, shuddering in horror and from the terrible, tangible, humanity that started it all. There will never be anything as complicated as family. There is nothing as brutal, as dangerous, as the desire to be loved. I cannot say I decided to like anyone I had already developed a dislike for- but I can definitely say I understand.

Reluctant sympathy and compassion were pulled from me through the sheer skillfulness of how the history of the series was explained, described. It takes a talented writer to turn a point of view so perfectly on its head while keeping so true to the story and the characterizations that were established, that the reader expects. So I sat down, excited to get more background on the world, ready to cheer for familiar names, even as I prepared to boo and stomp for the usual suspects. Last month I was lucky enough to get to read Transgression, the prequel that promised to tell me just how everything happened. Earlier this year I had the privilege of reading Sovereign and The Offering, the two books that make up the Sovereign Series proper.