Her parents discouraged her form taking the exam, as they did not want her to face rejection. In Chapter 25, Qian took an admissions test for a magnet school in Manhattan, which would provide her a better education if she were accepted. Qian’s mother stays another week in the hospital before being returned home.

Not theory, not analysis, but life as lived in a maelstrom of conflicting opposites, balancing memory against present, known and unknown, despair and perseverance, love and hunger, always hunger. Qian’s father voluntarily offered $500 in exchange for the life-saving operation, and the doctor accepted it, apparently not realizing that the sum constituted nearly all of Qian’s parents’ savings. Written by Qian Julie Wang, this is the story of her immigration to the United States from China and her experiences as a little girl living with her parents in. Evocative, ironic, aspirational and crushing, Qian Julie Wang has written an unforgettable memoir of the soul shaking experience of being undocumented. Surgeons managed to remove the tumorous mass, but they also had to remove parts of some of her organs in the process. Beautiful Country by Qian Julie Wang 29,692 ratings, 4. Qian’s mother only received surgery when doctors realized that it was urgently necessary. In Chapter 24, Qian notes that her mother’s surgery kept being postponed because wealthy people’s surgeries were being prioritized ahead of her.